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COMPSEES with Thematic Section on “Everyday Ethnicity and Popular Responses to Nation-Building Projects in Moldova after 1989”

08.02.2024 Publications

Comparative Southeast European Studies 71, no. 4, 2023, is available in open access.

Svetlana Suveica and Petru Negura have compiled a thematic section on “Everyday Ethnicity and Popular Responses to Nation-Building Projects in Moldova after 1989”. The thematic section contains contributions by Vladimir Solonari, Keith Harrington, Jennifer Cash, Elena-Ana Daniela and Ion Marandici. It is among the first compilations to focus on recent nation-building processes in Moldova.

In the open section, Christophe Solioz contributes a compelling essay that pays tribute to one of the great contemporary Slovenian literary figures, the late Boris Pahor (1913-1922).

In addition, the issue contains four book reviews.

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