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Staff Publications

Listed below are the publications our staff members have produced in the context of their work at the IOS.

  • Year
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Publication Year Type Department
Ajeti, Faruk/Clewing, Konrad: Österreich und der Kosovo: Werdegänge zweier Republiken. 100 Jahre Republik Österreich, zehn Jahre unabhängiger Kosovo. https://diepresse.com/home/meinung/gastkommentar/5372708/Gastkommentar_Oesterreich-und-der-Kosovo_Werdegaenge-zweier, 2018 (In: Die Presse (Wien), 16.02.2018.). (Open Access)
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2018 Other Publications History Department
Clewing, Konrad: Die Uhr tickt im Kosovo. https://www.mittelbayerische.de/politik-nachrichten/im-kosovo-ticken-die-uhren-anders-21771-art1627862.html, 2018 (In: Mittelbayerische Zeitung, 19.03.2018, S. 4.). (Open Access)
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2018 Other Publications History Department
Frank, Ingo: Multi-Perspectival Representation of Historical Reality: Ontology-Based Modeling of Non-Common Conceptualizations. 2019 (Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019. First International Workshop on Ontologies for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis). (Open Access) 2019 Other Publications
Șeulean, Paul (Hg.)/Weber, Albert (Hg.)/Stegmann, Natali (Hg.): Deutsche Parlamentarierreden in Zwischenkriegsrumänien. Protokolle aus dem Abgeordnetenhaus und dem Senat (1919–1940) [German Parliamentary Speeches in Interwar Romania. Minutes from the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate (1919–1940)]. osmikon.de (DigiOst-Schriftenreihe), 2021 (Vierte Herausgeberin dieser Quellenedition: PD Dr. Svetlana Suveica, ehem. IOS-Mitarbeiterin. Erschienen beim Frank & Timme Verlag, Berlin.). (Open Access)
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2021 Other Publications Library and Electronic Research Infrastructure
Frank, Ingo: Diagramming the Complexities of Historical Processes: From Ontology-based Modeling to Diagrammatic Reasoning. https://dev.clariah.nl/files/dh2019/boa/0828.html, 2019 (Book of Abstracts Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019)). (Open Access)
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2019 Other Publications
Rutar, Sabine: [Rezension zu:] Tönsmeyer, Tatjana; Haslinger, Peter; Laba, Agnes (Hrsg.): Coping with Hunger and Shortage under German Occupation in World War II., London 2018. H-Soz-u-Kult, 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Other Publications History Department
Hausmann, Guido: Rezension: Charles Steinwedel: Threads of 'Empire. Loyalty and Tsarist Authority in Bashkiria, 1552-1917. Bloomington 2016. H-Soz-Kult, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Other Publications History Department
Hausmann, Guido: Rezension: Anne Applebaum: Red Famine. Stalin's War on Ukraine. London 2018 [Anne Applebaum: Roter Hunger. Stalins Krieg gegen die Ukraine. München 2019]. H-Soz-Kult, 2020 (Governance). (Open Access)
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2020 Other Publications History Department
Rutar, Sabine: Book Review: Case, Holly: The Age of Questions. Or, A First Attempt at an Aggregate History of the Eastern, Social, Woman, American, Jewish, Polish, Bullion, Tuberculosis, and Many Other Questions Over the Nineteenth Century, and Beyond. Princeton 2018,. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Other Publications History Department
Bescotti, Elia: Die Rolle Transnistriens im Diskurs des Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs in der Republik Moldau. Russland-Analysen, № 394, 2020. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.31205/R A.394.02
2020 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Suveica, Svetlana: [Rezension von] Flavius Solomon, Adrian-Bogdan Ceobanu, Andrei Cuşco, Grigorii Şkundin (Coord.): Rapoarte diplomatice ruse din România 1888–1898/Diplomatičeskie dokumenty rossiiskich predstavitelei v Rumynii (1888–1898). 2017 (In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, jgo.e-reviews 3 2017, S. 23-24). (Open Access) 2017 Other Publications History Department
Suveica, Svetlana: [Rezension von] Mihai Tașcă, Wolfram Niess Ed., Dezmembrarea României. Anexarea de către URSS a Basarabiei, nordului Bucovinei și Ținutului Herța – 1940 (Studiu și culegere de documente. 2017 (In: Südost-Forschungen, Band 76 2017, S. 404-407). (Open Access) 2017 Other Publications History Department
Suveica, Svetlana/Musteata, Sergiu: Revolutionary Century. Interview with Norman Naimark. 2017 (Hoover Digest, 4 (2017), S. 96-104). (Open Access) 2017 Other Publications History Department
Hodges, Andrew: Against Modern Football. https://www.redpepper.org.uk/against-modern-football/, 2018 (Red Pepper Magazine, S.3). (Open Access)
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2018 Other Publications History Department
Pezo, Edvin: Das Erinnern ist wichtig. 2018 (Mittelbayerische Zeitung v. 1./2. Dezember 2018, Aussenansicht). (Open Access) 2018 Other Publications History Department

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