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Staff Publications

Listed below are the publications our staff members have produced in the context of their work at the IOS.

  • Year
  • Departments
Publication Year Type Department
Burkhardt, Fabian/Bescotti, Elia/Wittke, Cindy: Passportization, Diminished Citizenship Rights, and the Donbas Vote in Russia’s 2021 Duma Elections. In: TCUP Report; Temerty Contemporary Ukraine Program Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University 2022 (24 Pages). (Open Access)
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2022 Discussion Papers
Negura, Petru: Work, Subsistence and Distress of the Homeless in Moldova. In: Polese, Abel (Hrsg.): Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness: Supplementing the State for the Invisible and the Vulnerable. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, S. 343–369.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82499-0_14
2022 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Burkhardt, Fabian: DAS SYSTEM PUTIN Regimepersonalisierung in Russland und der Krieg gegen die Ukraine. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 72, 28-29, 2022, S. 35-41. (Open Access)
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2022 Journal Articles
Hausmann, Guido: Russland – das verstehe ich, Ukraine – das verstehe ich nicht. In: Länder-Analysen, Ukraine-Analysen, 270, 2022, S. 19-22. (Refereed Journal, Open Access)
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2022 Journal Articles
Brunnbauer, Ulf: Talking past each other and other Catch-22 situations: states, emigration, and “diasporas” (introduction).. In: Dve domovini, 55, 2022, S. 7-17. (Refereed Journal, Open Access)
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2022 Journal Articles
Burkhardt, Fabian/Dollbaum, Jan Matti: Belarus Votes – Or Not: Lukashenka’s Constitutional Reform from the Public’s Perspective. In: ZOiS Spotlight 6/2022, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Burkhardt, Fabian/Bescotti, Elia/Wittke, Cindy: Russlands Passportisierung des Donbas: Von einer eingeschränkten zu einer vollwertigen Staatsbürgerschaft?. In: Russland-Analysen, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Burkhardt, Fabian: The Fog of War and Power Dynamics in Russia's Elite: Defections and Purges, or Simply Wishful Thinking?. In: Russian Analytical Digest, 2022. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000539633
2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Burkhardt, Fabian/Bescotti, Elia/Wittke, Cindy: Passportization. In: Verfassungsblog, 2022. (Open Access)
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DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17176/20220323-121238-0
2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Burkhardt, Fabian: Passports as Pretext: How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Start. In: War on the Rocks, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Burkhardt, Fabian/Bescotti, Elia/Wittke, Cindy: What Makes a Citizen? Russia's Passportization of the Donbas. In: Russian Analytical Digest, 2022. (Open Access)
More about the publication
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000533782
2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Jaros, Sven: #METAGESCHICHTEN: Zur historischen Existenz der (ukrainischen) Nation. In: OstBlog Spezial "Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine", 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Wittke, Cindy: FAQ #2: WIE KANN MAN DIESEN KRIEG BEENDEN?. In: dekoder, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Wittke, Cindy: FAQ #1: PUTINS ANGRIFFSKRIEG AUF DIE UKRAINE. In: dekoder, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts
Wittke, Cindy: Frieden und Sicherheit für die Ukraine und Europa entstehen nicht am Reißbrett des Westens. In: Ukraine-Analysen, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts

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