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Staff Publications

Listed below are the publications our staff members have produced in the context of their work at the IOS.

  • Year
  • Departments
Publication Year Type Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Hanebrink, Paul: Political Ideologies and Political Movements. In: Livazeanu, Irina/von Klimo, Arpad (Hrsg.): The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700. London: Routledge, 2017, S. 323-364. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Wittke, Cindy: Between war and peace: Negotiating and implementing legitimate ceasefire agreements. In: Krieger, Heike (Hrsg.): Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, S. 335-356. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Hausmann, Guido: Alexander Herzen. Russlands soziale Zustände (1854). In: Brocker, Manfred (Hrsg.): Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2021, S. S. 433-443. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Popova, Olga/Otrachshenko, Vladimir: Religion and Happiness. In: Zimmermann, Klaus (Hrsg.): Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”.: Springer, 2021 (Online first).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_175-1
2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Gebel, Michael/Gatskova, Kseniia/Karabchuk, Tatiana: Gender Differences Among Youth: Education to Job Transitions in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. In: Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Gatskova, Kseniia (Hrsg.): Gendering Post-Soviet Space. Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research.: Springer, 2021, S. 49-71.
More about the publication
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9358-1_3
2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Gatskova, Kseniia: Gender Wage Gap and Gender Attitudes in Ukraine. In: Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Gatskova, Kseniia (Hrsg.): Gendering Post-Soviet Space. Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research.: Springer, 2021, S. 181-194.
More about the publication
2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes

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