Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas: Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Footballers in Avant-garde Art and Socialist Realism before World War II
Typ: Text
Titel: Footballers in Avant-garde Art and Socialist Realism before World War II
Autor: Przemysław Strożek
DOI: 10.15457/sportost_strozek_2015
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16.02.2015
Schlagwörter: Sowjetunion, Avantgarde, Sozialistischer Realismus, Kunst, Fußballspieler, Geschichte 1903-1939
This study is dedicated in its major part to visual representations of footballers in Soviet Russia prior to World War II. It discusses the stylistic transformations that occurred in artistic praxis in Avant-garde and Socialist Realist art through the lens of football. Football served to represent modernity and new political agendas, and was clearly an intrinsic part of the cultural revolution connected to physical culture propaganda. This study analyses footballer motifs in works by Kasimir Malevich, El Lissitzky, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksandr Rodchenko and the October group, Gustav Klutsis, Dziga Vertov, Aleksandr Samokhvalov and Aleksandr Deineka. Its aim is to open up broader perspectives for future studies of football in Avant-garde art and Socialist Realism in other regions of Eastern Europe.
Geographischer Raum: Sowjetunion
Dazugehörige Publikation:
Anke Hilbrenner, Ekaterina Emeliantseva, Christian Koller, Manfred Zeller, Stefan Zwicker (Hgg.): Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas. Regensburg : Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, 2012-2017. ISSN: 2198-2457.
Rechte: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Sprache: Englisch
Version: 1
Verfügbarkeit: Download
Strożek, Przemysław (2015): Footballers in Avant-garde Art and Socialist Realism before World War II, in: Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas: Version: 1. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies. Text. https://doi.org/10.15457/sportost_strozek_2015