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Trends, Topics and Challenges in Current Eastern European Historiography

29.03.2023 15:00 CET Online Diskussion

In the sixth session of Area Studies under Discussion, scholars will discuss the increasing restrictions that have emerged and are affecting the work of historians, especially those from the various states of Eastern Europe.

In recent years, increasing restrictions have emerged, impacting the work of historians, in particular those from the various states of Eastern Europe. The growing barriers include limited granting of scholars' visas, imposing restrictions on investigating certain topics (such as gender studies or critical investigation of the past), as well as using administrative methods to constrain archival research.

In this event, we invite scholars to reflect on their experiences and offer perspectives on how to continue fostering international cooperations. How do colleagues experience the situation on the ground? What difficulties do they have to live with? What challenges does this pose for their work and their cooperation with international colleagues?  What impact does political influence have on research by scholars from Eastern Europe?

While discussing these challenges in the virtual roundtable, we also look to share insight on emerging trends, topics and approaches in historical studies.

Panel participants

Event coordination

Area Studies under Discussion is a regular series of debates on current themes in area studies organized by the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in Regensburg, the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe in Marburg, and the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) in Leipzig.

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