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The History of the Transformation of the Aral Domain to Karakalpakstan

21.11.2023 11:00 CET IOS, Room 017, Landshuter Str. 4, 93047 Regensburg Presentations

Hinweis: Der Vortrag wird auf Russisch gehalten, während der Diskussion können Fragen auf Deutsch, Englisch und Russisch gestellt werden.­

Talk by Askar Djumashev (Uzbek Academy of Sciences) as part of his Humboldt Fellowship at the IOS.

To study the history of Karakalpakstan, one has to rely on diverse and broad system of sources that spans from records of Khiva historians of the 17th -19th centuries (e.g., Abulgazi, Munis, Agahi and Bayani) to participants of foreign scientific and military expeditions (e.g., F. Benevenia, D.Gladyshev, I.Muravin, P.Rychkov, Blankenagel) to Soviet-time and post-Soviet sources. At the seminar Prof. Askar Djumashev will give an overview of these diverse sources with a focus on how the territory of today's Karakalpakstan has been governed over time with a focus on three entities - the Aral Domain, the Amydarya Division and Karakalpakstan. The seminar will address such questions as how development of Karakalpak statehood has been researched in historical science and how the Communist approach to history affected the knowledge production on this topic. The seminar will conclude with identifying future research avenues on history of Karakalpakstan.

The talk is organized in cooperation with the IOS and KonKoop.

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