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Narratives and Practices of Sovereignty in Area Studies: Merging Multidisciplinary Findings under a Unified Approach

18.11.2022 – 19.11.2022 09:30 CET – 13:00 CET Universität Regensburg, Sammelgebäude, SG 214 Workshops

This workshop is a follow-up to the 2021 graduate workshop, "Competing Sovereignties," and aims to develop chapters for a new publication focusing on "Narratives and Practices of Sovereignty" from an area studies perspective.

As a prepatory step towards an edited-volume publication, this workshop assembles chapter contributors from across Europe with the aim to harmonize multi-disciplinary approaches to studying state sovereignty. Through the lenses of 'practices' and 'narratives', our research posits that sovereignty as a force is exercises through words and deeds over diverse actors at various scales within social and political hierachies. Organised by phD candidates Elia Bescotti and Jon Matlack, this workshop intends to establish a unitied approach between the editors and contributors of the volume. To that end, faculty and phD researchers of the Leibniz ScienceCampus, the GS OSESUR, and members of IOS Regensburg are invited to attend as observers and commentators to our discussion. After each panel, a 30 minute discussion will follow, during which outside participants may also ask questions.

Registration needed: Please register via e-mail to Elia Bescotti (bescotti@ios-regensburg.de) or Jon Matlack (matlack@ios-regensburg.de).


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