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History Department - Staff Publications

  • Year
Publication Year Type Department
Kehayov, Petar: Between facts and speech-acts: the Conditional and Conditional-Conjunctive in Moksha Mordvin. In: Linguistica Uralica, 56, 1, 2020, S. 18-44. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal, Open Access) 2020 Journal Articles History Department
Rutar, Sabine: Symbolic Geographies, Borderlands, and the Global Condition of Scholars, Contribution to Guido Franzinetti / John Breuilly / Béatrice von Hirschhausen / Sabine Rutar / Diana Mish-kova, Reflecting on Diana Mishkova’s ‘Beyond Balkanism. The Scholarly Politi. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 68, 3, 2020, S. 460-467. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal, Open Access)
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2020 Journal Articles History Department
Hodges, Andrew/Brentin, Dario: Fan protest and activism: football from below in South-Eastern Europe. In: Soccer & Society, 19, 3, 2018, S. 329-336. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal, Open Access)
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2018 Journal Articles History Department
Gatejel, Luminita: Imperial Cooperation at the Margins of Europe: The European Commission of the Danube, 1856-1865. In: European Review of History / Revue Européene d'Histoire, 24, 2017, S. 781-800. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Gatejel, Luminita: A Socialist-Capitalist Joint Venture. Citroën in Romania during the 1980s. In: Journal of Transport History, 38, 1, 2017, S. 70-87. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Gatejel, Luminita/Fava, Valentina: East-West Cooperation in the Automotive Industry: Enterprises, Mobility, Production. In: Journal of Transport History, 38, 1, 2017, S. 11-19. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Hausmann, Guido: Für eine ukrainische Perspektive in einer europäischen Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges (auf ukrainisch) [Pro ukrajins'ku perspektivy v evropejs'kij istoriji Pershoji svitovoji vijny]. In: Ukrajina moderna 2016, 23, 2017, S. 9-15. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Becker, Sascha/Boeckh, Katrin/Hainz, Christa/Ludger Wössmann: The Empire Is Dead, Long Live the Empire! Long-Run Persistence of Trust and Corruption in the Bureaucracy 126 (February 2016), 40–74. Doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12220. In: The Economic Journal, 126, 2016, S. 40-74. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: 10.1111/ecoj.12220
2016 Journal Articles History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Католические общины в СССР в 1918–1939 гг. [Katholische Gemeinden in der Sowjetunion 1918-1939]. In: Вестник церковной истории, 47/48, 3/4, 2017, S. 332–352. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Reformkräfte. Die katholischen Kirchen und die Perestrojka. In: Osteuropa, 9–10, 2017, S. 175–190. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Католические общины в СССР в 1918–1939 гг. [Katholische Gemeinden in der Sowjetunion 1918-1939.]. In: Вестник церковной истории, 3/4 (47/48), 2017, S. 332–352. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Kassabova, Anelia: „Урок по смелост за отстояване на позиции“. Филмът „Вълчицата“ [A Lesson About Courage for Defending Positions. The Movie “She Wolf”]. In: Balkanistic Forum, 2, 2017, S. 147-169. (Refereed Journal)
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2017 Journal Articles History Department
Svetlana, Suveica: From Heroisation to Competing Victimhoods. History Writing on the Second World War in Moldova. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 65, 2, 2017, S. 388-412. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.1515/soeu-2017-0023
2017 Journal Articles History Department
Svetlana, Suveica: Loyalitäten im Zeitalter der Extreme: Lokale Beamte Bessarabiens während des Zweiten Weltkriegs (1939-1945). In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 65, 4, 2017, S. 560-597. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Konfessionelle Netzwerke der Russland-Deutschen: Zur Verfolgung der Katholiken in der Sowjetunion (1917-1939). In: Historisches Jahrbuch, 137 (2017), 2017, S. 268-303. 2017 Journal Articles History Department

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