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History Department - Staff Publications

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Rutar, Sabine: [Rezension von] Wörsdörfer, Rolf: Vom ‚Westfälischen Slowenen‘ zum ‚Gastarbeiter‘. Slowenische Deutschland-Migrationen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. In: H-Soz-Kult, 2018. (Open Access)
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2018 Online Publication/Blog posts History Department
Arndt, Melanie/Coumel, Laurent (Hrsg.): A Green End to the Red Empire? Ecological Mobilizations in the Soviet Union and Its Successor States, 1950–2000: A Decentralized Approach., 2019 (Forum Ab Imperio).
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2019 Edited Volumes and Special Issues History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Clewing, Konrad/Schmitt, Oliver Jens: Einleitung zur Gesamtreihe. Ein Handbuch für das 21. Jahrhundert: Die Geschichte Südosteuropas. In: Mitthof, Fritz/Schreiner, Peter/Schmitt, Oliver Jens (Hrsg.): Handbuch zur Geschichte Südosteuropas. Berlin, München: de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019, S. 1-37. 2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Pezo, Edvin: Strukture političke moći i unutarpartijski diskurs. Organizacija i pregovaranje o političkoj moći unutar Saveza komunista Jugoslavije (1952-1966) [Strukturen politischer Macht und innerparteilicher Diskurs. Organisation und Aushandlung politischer Macht innerhalb des Bundes der Kommunisten Jugoslawiens (1952-1966)]. In: Duda, Igor (Hrsg.): Komunisti i komunističke partije: politike, akcije, debate [Kommunisten und kommunistische Parteien: Politiken, Aktionen, Debatten]. Zagreb, Pula: Srednja Europa, 2019, S. 107-133. 2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf: Globaliziranje jugoistočne Europe. Iseljenici, Amerika i država od kraja 19. stoljeća. Zagreb: Srednja Europa, 2019. 2019 Monographs History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Der Weg in die Katakomben: die Katholiken in der frühen Sowjetunion, in: Kalender 2020. Hrsg. Historischer Forschungsverein der Deutschen aus Russland. Chemnitz 2019. 2019 ([Monat November]). 2019 Other Publications History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Rezension zu: CLAUDIA STAHL, Alojzije Stepinac. Die Biografie. Paderborn 2017. 592 Seiten. 2019 (In: Theologische Revue 115 (2019) Nr. 3, 223-226). 2019 Other Publications History Department
Rutar, Sabine: (Re-)Scaling the Second World War. Regimes of Historicity and the Legacies of the Cold War in Europe. In: Bougarel, Xavier/Grandits, Hannes/Vulesica, Marija (Hrsg.): Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe. London, New York: Routledge, 2019, S. 263-281.
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2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Hodges, Andrew: [Rezension von] Dino Numerato (Hrsg): Football Fans, Activism and Social Change. Routledge 2018, in: Sport in Society, 22:12, S. 2270-2272. 2019. 2019 Other Publications History Department
Hodges, Andrew: [Rezension von] Borja García, Jinming Zheng (Hrsg.): Football and Supporter Activism in Europe: Whose Game Is It? Springer 2017, in: Soccer & Society (online). 2019.
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2019.1627764
2019 Other Publications History Department
Hodges, Andrew: Researching “Minorities” in a Post-War Context. Sage Research Methods Cases: Politics and International Relations, 2019.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526466235
2019 Other Publications History Department
Hodges, Andrew: Researching Football Fans as Political Actors: Approaching Interviews Anthropologically. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Politics and International Relations, 2019.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526476425
2019 Other Publications History Department
Hodges, Andrew: Producing Minority ‘Groupness’ through State Effects: Teaching in Croatian in Serbia. In: Nationalities Papers, 47, 1, 2019, S. 55-71 (2018 onlinefirst). (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: 10.1017/nps.2018.12
2019 Journal Articles History Department
Hodges, Andrew: Psychic Landscapes, Worker Organizing and Blame: Uljanik and the 2018 Croatian Shipbuilding Crisis. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 67, 1, 2019, S. 50-74. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2019 Journal Articles History Department
Nießer, Jacqueline: Freedom of Culture in and after Yugoslavia. An Interview with Branka Prpa. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 67, 1, 2019, S. 110-128. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2019 Journal Articles History Department

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