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History Department - Staff Publications

  • Year
Publication Year Type Department
Petrungaro, Stefano: [Rezension von] Małgorzata Pakier and Joanna Wawrzyniak (Hrsg.), Memory and Change in Europe: Eastern Perspectives. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books 2016. In: Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea 102 (2017). 2017. 2017 Other Publications History Department
Dimou, Augusta: From State Governance to Self-Management: Culture and Intellectual Property Rights in Communist Yugoslavia. In: Dimou, Augusta/Siegrist, Hannes (Hrsg.): Expanding Intellectual Property. Copyrights and Patents in Twenthieth-Century Europe and Beyond. Budapest/N.Y: CEU Press, 2017, S. 173-203. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Dimou, Augusta/Siegrist, Hannes: Introduction. In: Dimou, Augusta/Siegrist, Hannes (Hrsg.): Expanding Intellectual Property. Copyrights and Patents in Twenthieth-Century Europe and Beyond. Budapest/N.Y: CEU Press, 2017, S. 1-15 (Leipzig Studies in the History and Culture of East Central Europe - Bd. 4). 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Dimou, Augusta/Siegrist, Hannes (Hrsg.): Expanding Intellectual Property. Copyrights and Patents in Twenthieth-Century Europe and Beyond. Budapest/N.Y: CEU Press, 2017 (Leipzig Studies in the History and Culture of East Central Europe, Bd. 4). 2017 Edited Volumes and Special Issues History Department
Petrungaro, Stefano: Tra particolare e generale. Sulla violenza nei Balcani. In: Petri, Rolf (Hrsg.): Balcani, Europa: violenza, politica, memoria. Torino: Giappichelli, 2017, S. 23-34. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Petrungaro, Stefano: Inter-war Yugoslavia Seen Through Corporatist Glasses. In: Pinto, Antonio Costa (Hrsg.): Corporatism and Fascism. The Corporatist Wave in Europe. London: Routledge, 2017, S. 236-256. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Svetlana, Suveica: From Heroisation to Competing Victimhoods. History Writing on the Second World War in Moldova. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 65, 2, 2017, S. 388-412. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.1515/soeu-2017-0023
2017 Journal Articles History Department
Svetlana, Suveica: Loyalitäten im Zeitalter der Extreme: Lokale Beamte Bessarabiens während des Zweiten Weltkriegs (1939-1945). In: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 65, 4, 2017, S. 560-597. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Hanebrink, Paul: Political Ideologies and Political Movements. In: Livezeanu, Irina/von Klimo, Arpad (Hrsg.): The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700.: Routledge Chapman Hall, 2017, S. 323–364 (Reihe "Routledge Histories"). 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Konfessionelle Netzwerke der Russland-Deutschen: Zur Verfolgung der Katholiken in der Sowjetunion (1917-1939). In: Historisches Jahrbuch, 137 (2017), 2017, S. 268-303. 2017 Journal Articles History Department
Varsa, Eszter: “The (Final) Solution of the Gypsy-Question:” Continuities in Discourses about Roma in Hungary, 1940s-1950s. In: Nationalities Papers 45, Nr. 1, 45, 1 (2017), 2017.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2016.1241221
2017 Journal Articles History Department
Suveica, Svetlana: The Bessarabians “between” the Russians and the Romanians: The Case of the Peasant Party Deputy Vladimir V. Țîganko (1917-1919). In: Radu, Sorin/Schmitt, Oliver Jens (Hrsg.): Politics and Peasants in Interwar Romania. Perceptions, Mentalities, Propaganda. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, S. 215-250.
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2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Petrungaro, Stefano: The Medical Debate about Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Yugoslavia (1918-1941) [Die medizinische Debatte über Prostitution und sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten in Jugoslawien (1918-1941)]. In: Social History of Medicine, 2017.
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2017 Online Publication/Blog posts History Department
Suveica, Svetlana/Pâslariuc, Virgil: Gorod Kishinëv: ot zapadnoj okrainy Rossijskoj imperii k vostochnoj okraine Velikojĭ Rumynii. In: Miller, Aleksej I./Černyj, Dmitrij N. (Hrsg.): Goroda imperii v gody Velikoj vojny i revoljucii: sbornik statej. Moskva; Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-istorija, 2017, S. 370-409.
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2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Wegenschimmel, Peter: Pogranicze jako arena regionalnych stosunków przemysłowych: Ewolucja Międzyregionalnej Rady Związkowej Łaba–Nysa. In: Kurcz, Zbigniew (Hrsg.): Polskie pogranicza w procesie przemian. Wrocław, 2017, S. 335-345. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department

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