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Prof. Dr. Hennadii Korolov

History Department
Scholarship Holder
  • Description
  • Presentations


Hennadii Korolov is an IOS researcher within the framework of the Volkswagen Foundation scholarship for refugee scientists from Ukraine.


  • Polish Federalist Ideas Between Utopia and Realpolitik: Geopolitical Dimension and Ideological Entanglements (1863–1921). IV Congress of International Researchers of Polish History, 19-22 October 2022 Jagiellonian University, Polish Historical Society, Krakow (Polen), 19.10.2022.
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  • The Trap of Non-territoriality in Revolutionary Ukraine: Polish National Autonomy (1917-1918) in Assessments of its Creators and Contemporaries. International Conference „The Theory and Practice of Non-Territorial Autonomy in Europe: A Historical Perspective”, 15-17 September 2022 Vienna University (Österreich), Vienna, 17.09.2022.
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  • The Ukrainian vision of 1920 War. Discussion ”Gorące lato 1920. Armia w odwrocie. Państwo w kryzysie”. Muzeum Józefa Piłsudskiego, Sulejówek (Polen), 14.08.2022.
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