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Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship am IOS (2025)

Bild: IOS/neverflash.com
22.08.2024 Calls for Applications

Within the framework of its Fellow Program, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) awards the Augustin Hirschvogel Fellowship. The IOS encourages applications from historians, geographers, cartographers and scholars of cognate disciplines, who focus on Eastern or Southeastern Europe. The duration of the research stay is up to four weeks. As part of a mutual agreement with the institute, the fellow is expected to contribute to the development of GeoPortOst by testing and exploiting it. GeoPortOst is the IOS gateway for historical maps, printed in books and published for the first time digitally in GIS format. The allowance is determined by the length of stay and the applicant's professional experience.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2024.


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