History Department - Staff Publications
Publication | Year | Type | Department |
Pezo, Edvin: Strukture političke moći i unutarpartijski diskurs. Organizacija i pregovaranje o političkoj moći unutar Saveza komunista Jugoslavije (1952-1966) [Strukturen politischer Macht und innerparteilicher Diskurs. Organisation und Aushandlung politischer Macht innerhalb des Bundes der Kommunisten Jugoslawiens (1952-1966)]. In: Duda, Igor (Hrsg.): Komunisti i komunističke partije: politike, akcije, debate [Kommunisten und kommunistische Parteien: Politiken, Aktionen, Debatten]. Zagreb, Pula: Srednja Europa, 2019, S. 107-133. | 2019 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Bartash, Volha: The Romani Family before and during the Holocaust – How Much do We Know? An Ethnographic-Historical Study in the Belarusian-Lithuanian Border Region. In: Capková, Katerina/Adler, Eliyana (Hrsg.): Jewish and Romani Families in the Holocaust and its Aftermath. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2020, S. 17-41. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Hausmann, Guido: Between Complicity in Imperial Politics and Exclusion: Politico-Geographical Sciences in the Tsarist Empire and the Early Soviet Union. In: Arend, Jan (Hrsg.): Science and Empire in Eastern Europe. Imperial Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th Century. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020, S. 227-249. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine: The Future Enemy’s Soldiers-to-Be. Fear of War in Trieste, Austria-Hungary. In: Boeckh, Katrin/Rutar, Sabine (Hrsg.): The Wars of Yesterday. The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-13. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 2020, S. 285-311 (paperback edition (1st edition: 2018)). | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine/Boeckh, Katrin: The Wars of Yesterday. The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912/13. An Introduction. In: Boeckh, Katrin/Rutar, Sabine (Hrsg.): The Wars of Yesterday. The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-13. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 2020, S. 3-17 (paperback edition (1st edition: 2018)). | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine/Boeckh, Katrin: Bringing the Balkan Wars into Historiographic Debates. In: Boeckh, Katrin/Rutar, Sabine (Hrsg.): The Wars of Yesterday. The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-13. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, 2020, S. 416-424 (paperback edition (1st edition: 2018)). | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine: Afterword. In: Ognjenović, Gorana/Jozelić, Jasna (Hrsg.): Nationhood and Politicization of History in School Textbooks. Identity, the Curriculum and Educational Media. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, S. 279-285. More about the publication |
2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine: Labor Protest in the Italian-Yugoslav Border Region During the Cold War. Action, Control, Legitimacy, Self-Management. In: Siefert, Marsha (Hrsg.): Labour in State Socialist Europe, 1945-1989. Contributions to a History of Work. Budapest: CEU Press, 2020, S. 373-394.. More about the publication |
2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Rutar, Sabine/Galijaš, Armina/Mišković, Nataša: Jugoslawien als Erinnerung. Drei Regisseure und ihre Sicht der Geschichte nach Staatszerfall und Krieg. In: Gruber u. a., Siegfried (Hrsg.): From the Highlands to Hollywood. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Southeastern Europe. Festschrift for Karl Kaser and SEEHA. Wien, Zürich: LIT, 2020, S. 111-142. More about the publication |
2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Gatejel, Luminita/Kochanowski, Jerzy: Transport, Infrastructure and Communication. In: Borodziej,, Włodzimierz/Holubec, Stanislav/von Puttkamer, Joachim (Hrsg.): The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1,. London: Routledge, 2020, S. 129-183. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Brunnbauer, Ulf: „Die permanente Transformation Vom Nutzen des Durchwurstelns und seinen Grenzen am Beispiel der Werft „Uljanik“ in Pula seit den 1970er Jahren“. In: Hoffmann, Dierk/Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): Transformation als soziale Praxis. Mitteleuropa nach dem Boom (= Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, Bd. 32). Berlin: Metropol, 2020, S. 21-38. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Clewing, Konrad/Schmitt, Oliver Jens: „Einleitung zur Gesamtreihe. Ein Handbuch für das 21. Jahrhundert: Die Geschichte Südosteuropas“. In: Mitthof, Fritz/Schreiner, Peter/Schmitt, Oliver Jens (Hrsg.): Handbuch zur Geschichte Südosteuropas, Bd. 1. Berlin, München: de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020, S. 1-37. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Brunnbauer, Ulf: „Konzerve ne lažejo: konzervirane sardele, gospodarski razvoj in okolje na severnem Jadranu in drugje“. In: Kosmos, Iva/Petrović, Tanja/Pogačar, Martin (Hrsg.): Zgodbe iz konzerve. Zgodovine predelave in konzerviranja ribna severovzhodnem Jadranu. Ljubljana: SAZU, 2020, S. 74-107. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Kraft, Claudia: „Statehood in socialism“. In: Borodziej, Wlodzimierz/Ferhadbegović, Sabina/von Puttkammer, Joachim (Hrsg.): The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. Volume 2: Statehood. London: Routledge, 2020, S. 215-290. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Nonaj, Visar: „Finding Workers to Build Socialism: Recruiting for Steel Factories in Bulgaria and Albania“. In: Siefert, Marsha (Hrsg.): Labor in State-Socialist Europe, 1945–1989. Budapest, New York: CEU Press, 2020, S. 73-98. | 2020 | Chapters in Edited Volumes | History Department |